Woodlands Pasture I
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*Based on HDB sales data in the last 12 months. Otherwise, based on latest transaction.
**Based on HDB rental data in the last 12 months. Otherwise, based on latest transaction. May not be representative.
783, 783A, 783B, 783C, 783D, 783E Woodlands Rise are leasehold (99 Yrs From 2018) HDB property. It is located along Woodlands Rise in Woodlands HDB Town, in the North Region. It is accessible through the nearest MRTs including Admiralty NS10 and Sembawang NS11.
Other nearby amenities include 3 Grocerie(s): SHENG SIONG SUPERMARKET PTE LTD, FORTUNE SUPERMARKET PTE. LTD., COLD STORAGE SINGAPORE (1983) PTE LTD, and 2 Shopping Mall(s): Admiralty Place, Kampung Admiralty.
This development consists of 783A Woodlands Rise : 60 units of 4-Room flats, 60 units of 5-Room flats; 783B Woodlands Rise : 45 units of 4-Room flats, 45 units of 5-Room flats; 783C Woodlands Rise : 60 units of 4-Room flats, 60 units of 5-Room flats; 783D Woodlands Rise : 45 units of 4-Room flats, 45 units of 5-Room flats. Based on transaction data in the last 12 months, sale prices range from S$ 528,000 to S$ 701,000 and rents range from S$ 1,200 psf to S$ 3,000 psf.
Buyers and tenants are attracted to Woodlands HDB town, a residential town located in the North Region of Singapore. It is home to the Woodlands Civic centre, a one-stop service hub to cater to the administrative needs of residents. The neighbourhood also houses the Woodlands Regional Library, one of the largest libraries in Singapore. Causeway Point Shopping centre, one of the largest malls in Singapore, also includes a cinema and two food courts.
Covering 13,500ha, the North Region is one of the five regions in Singapore. Located further from the Central Business District (CBD), the North Region offers ample greenery as well as a variety of work and play options. These include integrated developments such as Bukit Canberra, an integrated sport and community hub, and the upcoming Woodlands Health Campus, which will open progressively from the end of 2023. When fully opened, the Woodlands Health Campus will have around 1,400 beds to cater to residents in the North Region. The region will also benefit from enhanced connectivity as strategized in the Master Plan 2019. More cycling paths and park connectors will be constructed, with the WoodsVista Gallery offering pedestrian and cycling pathways connecting Woodlands MRT, Admiralty Park and Woodlands Waterfront Park.
Other nearby amenities include 3 Grocerie(s): SHENG SIONG SUPERMARKET PTE LTD, FORTUNE SUPERMARKET PTE. LTD., COLD STORAGE SINGAPORE (1983) PTE LTD, and 2 Shopping Mall(s): Admiralty Place, Kampung Admiralty.
This development consists of 783A Woodlands Rise : 60 units of 4-Room flats, 60 units of 5-Room flats; 783B Woodlands Rise : 45 units of 4-Room flats, 45 units of 5-Room flats; 783C Woodlands Rise : 60 units of 4-Room flats, 60 units of 5-Room flats; 783D Woodlands Rise : 45 units of 4-Room flats, 45 units of 5-Room flats. Based on transaction data in the last 12 months, sale prices range from S$ 528,000 to S$ 701,000 and rents range from S$ 1,200 psf to S$ 3,000 psf.
Buyers and tenants are attracted to Woodlands HDB town, a residential town located in the North Region of Singapore. It is home to the Woodlands Civic centre, a one-stop service hub to cater to the administrative needs of residents. The neighbourhood also houses the Woodlands Regional Library, one of the largest libraries in Singapore. Causeway Point Shopping centre, one of the largest malls in Singapore, also includes a cinema and two food courts.
Covering 13,500ha, the North Region is one of the five regions in Singapore. Located further from the Central Business District (CBD), the North Region offers ample greenery as well as a variety of work and play options. These include integrated developments such as Bukit Canberra, an integrated sport and community hub, and the upcoming Woodlands Health Campus, which will open progressively from the end of 2023. When fully opened, the Woodlands Health Campus will have around 1,400 beds to cater to residents in the North Region. The region will also benefit from enhanced connectivity as strategized in the Master Plan 2019. More cycling paths and park connectors will be constructed, with the WoodsVista Gallery offering pedestrian and cycling pathways connecting Woodlands MRT, Admiralty Park and Woodlands Waterfront Park.
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Source: URA, HDB, https://www.edgeprop.sg
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Source: URA, https://www.edgeprop.sg
Note: *Based on HDB Sales data in the last 12 months. **Based on HDB Rental data in the last 12 months.
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