78 Shenton Way












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*Based on URA sales data in the last 12 months. Otherwise, based on latest transaction. May not be representative.

**Based on 3rd-party rental data in the last 12 months. Otherwise, based on latest transaction. May not be representative.

78 Shenton Way is a leasehold (99 yrs from 1983) commercial property. The development occupies a land area of 6,601 sqm and a Gross Floor Area of 44,932 sqm.

78 SHENTON WAY is located along Shenton Way in Downtown Core, in District 2. It is accessible through the nearest MRTs including Tanjong Pagar EW15 and Shenton Way TE19. Other nearby amenities include: 3 Grocerie(s): COLD STORAGE SINGAPORE (1983) PTE LTD, NTUC FAIRPRICE CO-OPERATIVE LTD, PAN PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS PTE. LTD., and 3 Shopping Mall(s): Icon Village, 100 AM, International Plaza.

Based on transaction data in the last 12 months, the highest recorded transaction was S$ 8,271 psf in Dec 2007 for a 78,685 sqft unit for Office. Its lowest recorded transaction was S$ 8,271 psf in Dec 2007 for a 78,685 sqft unit for Office.

Buyers and tenants are attracted to District 2, which consists of Anson Road, Tanjong Pagar and Chinatown. Many buildings in District 2 have undergone upgrades, keeping pace with Singapore’s property evolution. As such, spanning across this busy metropolitan area are high-rise office buildings, residential blocks and commercial structures. Anson Road is renowned for its residential and commercial towers. Chinatown, just a stone’s throw away, is a distinctively historical and cultural enclave where major points have been declared national heritage sites. For foodies, one can find a wide variety of affordable and authentic local dishes at The Maxwell Food Centre that houses hawkers from the vicinity. District 2 is also home to Pinnacle @ Duxton, an iconic HDB project with seven 50-storey tower blocks linked with sky gardens at the 26th and 50th storeys that offer panoramic views of the city.

As a major financial and business hub, the Central Region stands as the dynamic city centre of Singapore. Spanning 13,150ha in land area, the region hosts Singapore's only UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to many of the country's national monuments, such as the Merlion Park and Statue of Raffles. Although the region is designated mainly for commercial activities, it houses residential developments ranging from HDBs to bungalows. There is also plenty of greenery in the region, linked by 19km of park connectors. According to the Master Plan 2019, Orchard and Downtown will be rejuvenated as a lifestyle hub to include more mixed developments which offer live, work and play opportunities. New housing will be constructed in the Marina South Area with community facilities and amenities. Stage-6 of the Circle Line opening by 2025 will also enhance the Central Region's connectivity.
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Source: URA, https://www.edgeprop.sg

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Note: *Based on URA Sales data in the last 12 months. **Based on 3rd-party Rental data in the last 12 months.

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What is the nearest MRT Station to 78 SHENTON WAY ?
The nearest MRT Station from 78 SHENTON WAY is Tanjong Pagar EW15 MRT

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