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Special Feature
Setting a new benchmark in real estate
By Bernard Tong | September 20, 2024

Bernard Tong, CEO of EdgeProp Singapore (Photo: Samuel Isaac Chua/EdgeProp Singapore)

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This year marks our inaugural Realtors Round Table. We’re here to set a new benchmark by recognising the region’s top 3% of realtors based on their commissions in their local currencies. This is a first for our industry, and we’re thrilled to be leading the way!

This year, we’re honouring top performers from Singapore and Malaysia. We can all agree that 2023 and 2024 haven’t been smooth sailing. High interest rates and the rising cost of living have made things challenging for all of us. We even wondered if launching something like this was the right move. But thanks to the support and encouragement from the agency leaders who are here tonight and who believed and supported the idea — and a huge shoutout to my rockstar team, especially Cowie Tan and Shermie Tee, who championed and pushed the idea forward — we decided to go for it!

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our Knowledge Partner, KPMG, who helped us verify the data submitted. Their expertise and diligence have been invaluable in making this event possible.

We’re also incredibly grateful to our exclusive partners, Tiger Brokers and Glenfiddich, whose support has been instrumental in bringing this event to life. And let’s not forget our Supporting Partners — The Makeover Inc, Oculus Collective, and RPI — thank you for your support.

And let’s face it — this industry is full of fighters. You’ve all shown incredible resilience, adapting to challenges and finding ways to succeed no matter what. That makes tonight special — we’re celebrating that spirit of determination and excellence.

I’m also thrilled to see so many of our friends from Malaysia here tonight. It’s fantastic to have you with us, and I hope we can all learn from each other, share best practices, and maybe even spark some new ideas that we can take back to our own markets.

But it’s not just about the awards. We’re also here to inspire and uplift the entire real estate community. And who better to help us do that than David Lim? David is one of Asia-Pacific’s most respected motivational speakers and has an incredible story to share. He led the first Singapore Everest Expedition in 1998 — talk about setting the bar high! He’s also written a book called Lessons from The Edge — Now, I promise we didn’t ask him to write it just because of our company name, but hey, it works out pretty well, don’t you think?

I’m confident that David’s story will leave us all feeling inspired and ready to take on whatever challenges come our way.

So, thank you all for being here tonight — your presence means the world to us. Let’s make this an evening to remember! Thank you.

Bernard Tong

CEO of EdgeProp Singapore

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