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The Qi Men art of decision-making
By Joey Yap | August 18, 2017
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Qi Men Dun Jia dates back 3,000 years. Ancient military superstar Zhuge Liang combined it with The Art of War philosophies of Sun Tzu to develop winning strategies at war.

Throughout Zhuge Liang’s career, the Qi Men Dun Jia system proved to be more than just a clever forecaster. This metaphysical tool can calculate the energy imprint of a specific moment in time and space, enabling one to have a bird’s eye view of order and challenges from all sides.

With this powerful ability, one is able to formulate infinite actionable strategies and pick one’s battles accordingly.

Source: Bloomberg

A weaver at work. Before you start a business, do as much research as possible on the current market sentiment and the operational challenges

You and I are no different from Zhuge Liang and Sun Tzu in that we have to fight battles in life, although they vary in degree and scale. Some of our battles may be big, while others are small. However, making the right decision is important.

The essence of all subject matter in Chinese metaphysics leads us to doing the right thing at the right time. The Qi Men Dun Jia technique puts people “in the right place at the right time” to ultimately achieve the best results.

A new classic

Big data keeps growing and more than ever, we need strategic and timely analysis.

Practical, with proven results, Qi Men Dun Jia has become relevant again in this age of having information at your fingertips.

Information reduces risk; information creates results. You can find that in the 13th and last chapter of my book, Qi Men Sun Tzu Warcraft.

If you intend to start a business, be it now or later, it is best to do as much research as possible on the current market sentiment and the operational challenges. Passion alone is not enough. You also need grit. Getting the right resources and putting the right people in place are key.

Get lucky

We often hear about people getting lucky and credit them for being in the right place at the right time. In reality, how many of us truly take the bull by the horns?

Sun Tzu and Zhuge Liang would not have depended on luck to win their wars. Neither should you.

In truth, luck is a skill that one can acquire. Qi Men Dun Jia is meant to take us further in life with its surgical precision in forecasting and executing our plans and strategies.

At the end of the day, all our goals and ambitions will only be pipe dreams if we do not walk the talk. Actions speak louder than words.

Joey Yap is the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics, a global organisation devoted to the teaching of feng shui, BaZi, Qi Men Dun Jia, Mian Xiang and other Chinese metaphysical subjects. He is also the chief consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group, an inter national consulting firm specialising in feng shui and Chinese astrology services.


This article appeared in The Edge Property Pullout, Issue 793 (Aug 21, 2017) of The Edge Singapore

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