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Special Feature
How June Aveena Bala bridges her success with minorities and high-net-worth clients
September 20, 2024

June Aveena Bala, Orange Tee & Tie receiving the award from Cecilia Chow, EdgeProp (SG) (Picture: Samuel Issac Chua/The Edge Property)

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When it comes to dedication, in the dynamic world of real estate, one name resounds — June Bala. This seasoned professional with 20 years of experience has etched her mark by transcending boundaries, forging connections with a diverse clientele and leaving an indelible impact on the lives she touches. From empowering minorities to catering to the discerning tastes of high-net-worth individuals, June’s journey is a testament to resilience, empathy, and an unyielding commitment to excellence.

June proudly receives her membership certificate at EdgeProp's Realtors Round Table 2024, celebrating her achievements and commitment to the real estate industry. (Picture: EdgeProp SG)

Transitioning to real estate

June’s foray into real estate was not a mere happenstance but a calculated decision fuelled by a profound desire for work-life balance. Hailing from the fast-paced finance sector, where she juggled responsibilities across Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Dubai, June found herself yearning for a career that would allow her to be present during her children’s formative years. The prospect of missing out on their growth and milestones was a catalyst for change, prompting her to explore the realm of real estate.

Initially, June dipped her toes into the industry part-time, a strategic move that enabled her to gauge her aptitude and passion while maintaining her corporate commitments. For four years, she navigated the intricacies of real estate transactions, honing her skills and gaining invaluable insights into the market’s ebbs and flows. However, a pivotal moment arose when her second son was born in 2007, presenting unique challenges that necessitated her undivided attention.

In 2023, June was recognized as one of the Emerging Millionaires of the Year by Orange Tee & Tie. (Picture: June Aveena Bala)

Embracing challenges

The strain of juggling corporate work commitments, real estate viewings and family responsibilities took a toll, leaving her emotionally and physically drained. It was then, propelled by a desire to spend more quality time with her children, that she made the courageous decision to bid farewell to her corporate career and embrace real estate as her full-time vocation.

The transition was not without its trials. In the initial years, June often experienced lulls in transactions and financial constraints. The learning curve was steep, especially with the constant market changes she had to keep abreast of. It did not help that just as she found her footing, Covid came around and she lost all the momentum she had gained. However, as the market eased out of the pandemic, she found a niche where she eventually carved a name for herself.

As a member of the minority Indian community in Singapore, she recognised the unique struggles faced by minority groups, particularly single mothers and women navigating the complexities of divorce, which made it her mission to extend a helping hand.

Through advertising, word-of-mouth referrals and her unwavering commitment to service, June became a beacon of hope for those needing guidance and support. She went above and beyond, accompanying these clients to government agencies, deciphering complex regulations and advocating on their behalf. Her empathetic nature and willingness to provide pro bono services to those in shelters or facing domestic violence situations earned her a reputation as a champion for the underprivileged.

June’s efforts extended beyond mere transactions; she endeavoured to empower her clients, equipping them with the knowledge and resources necessary to navigate the intricate world of real estate. From explaining the nuances of CPF regulations to accompanying them on multiple trips to HDB and CPF offices, she ensured that her clients were well-informed and empowered to make informed decisions.

June proudly receives Champion status for the Top Residential Project Sales category for Q3 2024. (Picture: June Aveena Bala)

Overcoming barriers

While her dedication to the less fortunate was unwavering, June recognised the need to expand her reach and cater to the broader mass market, including the Chinese community. However, as a non-Mandarin speaker, she encountered instances of rejection, with potential clients expressing a preference for agents fluent in their native tongue.

Undeterred, June diverted her rejections through continuous self-improvement and professional development. She attended regular training, upgraded her skills, and immersed herself in project-specific knowledge, ensuring that she could engage with clients from all backgrounds on an equal footing. Her commitment to excellence and her ability to articulate project details and market insights in a comprehensive manner enabled her to transcend language barriers and cultivate trust with her clients.

Conquering fears

June’s journey took an unexpected turn when she encountered a unique opportunity to serve a high-profile, high-net-worth client. Initially, the prospect of catering to such an exclusive clientele filled her with trepidation. However, June’s unwavering belief in her abilities and her mantra of “you can try and fail but never fail to try” propelled her forward.

The transaction was fraught with much complexities. June’s professionalism and dedication shone through as she navigated the intricate web of challenges to facilitate a smooth transaction for all the parties involved.

Her client, impressed by her tenacity and commitment, recognised the value she brought to the table. What began as a tentative engagement blossomed into a trusted partnership, with the client seeking June’s counsel on various real estate matters and entrusting her with additional properties.

In 2023, June secured the 6th position among 300 contenders in Orange Tee & Tie's Annual Achievers Awards. (Picture: June Aveena Bala)

Secrets to success

June’s success is rooted in a deep understanding of the importance of continuous learning, adaptability, and a client-centric mindset. She invests in regular training, attends courses, and stays abreast of industry trends and regulations. This dedication to self-improvement has enabled her to remain relevant and provide her clients with informed, up-to-date guidance, setting her apart from her peers.

Moreover, June’s approach is characterised by a relentless work ethic and a willingness to go above and beyond for her clients. Whether it’s accompanying them on multiple trips to government agencies or contributing her own resources to facilitate a smooth transaction, she exemplifies the epitome of service excellence.

Her achievements speak volumes about her dedication and impact. June has consistently ranked among the top achievers in her agency Orangetee & Tie, securing accolades such as:

Top 5% Achievers in 2020, 2021 & 2022

August 2023 — Super Diamond/Champion (No. 1)

Quarter 3 2023 — Champion (No. 1)

Top 1% Annual 2023 — Top 6/Emerging Millionaire

SEAA — Silver (2022)/Platinum (2023)

These accolades are not mere numbers; they represent the dreams she has helped realise, barriers she has shattered along the way and her own perseverance.

June: If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. Otherwise, you’ll find an excuse. (Picture: June Aveena Bala)

Inspiring others

June’s journey is not merely a story of personal triumph; it is a beacon of inspiration for aspiring agents and industry professionals alike. Her unwavering belief in the power of mentorship and knowledge-sharing has led her to impart invaluable wisdom to those around her.

One of her oft-repeated mantras is, “If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. Otherwise, you’ll find an excuse”. This simple yet profound statement encapsulates the essence of determination and perseverance, encouraging others to confront their fears head-on and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

June’s mentorship extends beyond mere words; she leads by example. Whether guiding agents through the intricacies of real estate transactions or instilling confidence in those grappling with self-doubt, her impact is far-reaching and profound. She encourages them to push beyond their boundaries, embrace continuous learning, and apply their knowledge fearlessly, for it is in the application that true mastery is achieved.

Her story serves as a guiding light for aspiring agents, industry professionals, and anyone seeking to break barriers and leave an indelible mark on the world around them.

For more information,

Contact June Aveena Bala | 91097931

Division Associate Director (R014013B)


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