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Special Feature
A blueprint for real estate success through collaboration
November 26, 2023

Jasmine Lau at her private office, JLD P.O.S.H (Property One Stop Hub) in the Kallang district (Photo: Samuel Isaac Chua/EdgeProp Singapore).

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PropNex Associate Group District Director Jasmine Lau is committed to growing and mentoring the next generation of real estate agents. She shares her four core business strategies and draws from her experience to highlight 10 core cultural values

In the heart of PropNex’s thriving ecosystem, Jasmine Lau District (JLD) stood out as an upholder of female leadership within a diverse, mixed-gender setting. Jasmine Lau is not merely seeking agents; she fosters a collective of individuals ignited by ambition, especially those driven to carve their career path. Her relentless pursuit of excellence is distilled into four core modules and activities that adhere to the 10 core values, each a guiding path toward success.

Established in 2018, JLD has expanded to 50 members, specialising in various property aspects, including commercial, industrial, and residential, alongside value-added services like wealth management and asset enhancement. Under her leadership, the team has consistently surpassed previous records in group commissions year after year, soaring from $313,000 to $3.24 million in just five years.

JLD Chinese new year celebration at NUSS GUILDHOUSE, Suntec City (Photo: Jasmine Lau) 

With 14 years in the industry and a collection of awards, including the 2021 PropNex Millionaire Award, Lau firmly believes in the contagious nature of success and strength in numbers. Her team is a unique assembly of self-driven individuals bound by an entrepreneurial spirit and a dedication to fostering one another’s growth and success. They testify to the formidable power of collective empowerment and mutual support.

Made up of a robust foundation of motivated managers from diverse industries who have successfully transit to real estate through mid-career switches, JLD's agents are highly independent and productive individuals with a strong business mindset, cherishing a balanced work-life.

Lau actively seeks potential trailblazers with entrepreneurial aspirations, emphasising drive, discipline, energy, and enthusiasm. As a pragmatic mentor, she excels with highly motivated individual to thrive in this competitive industry while upholding ethical selling practices. “I’m here to help you achieve your goals. You just need to turn up, take ownership, and do the work, and you will reap the rewards,” she says.

Training framework

For seekers of real estate mentors, JLD is a great place to learn the core fundamentals of real estate and how to successfully brand yourself as a strong player in the market. You will find yourself often surrounded not just with JLD Champions, but also many opportunities and access to PropNex’s top producers, so one can pick up tips and tricks and uncover key ingredients to their success to build and grow your own business model.

JLD partners with many leaders from their Advisory arm and PropNex and regularly conducts interesting hands-on workshops to help you mature and develop faster than being a ‘lone wolf’. Not only will you benefit first-hand from Lau’s personal properties’ investment journey, but these exclusive training and sharing sessions will provide valuable insights and strategies to improve your sales and adapt to the fast-changing industry. “I teach my agents how to empower our people and clients to achieve their life goals through real estate,” says Lau.

●      “Consistently win listings with I.M.P.A.C.T” teaches agents how to be reliable listing and seller agents by knowing the client well and devising a customer journey funnel to help them track how well they acquire homeowner leads and convert them into paying customers.

●      “Sold on Time” is about Learning and applying relevant negotiation soft skill techniques to achieve win-win solutions between seller and buyers — this is a signature programme and activity-driven hands-on module. Many homegrown producers speed up their closing skills by applying what they have learnt and improving their interpersonal and cold lead connect skills.

●      “Own It Or Go Home” is knowing how to run real estate like a real business and be your own boss. This covers Business models and business planning, implementing operation frameworks to ensure a consistently strong sales pipeline, smart resource planning and budgeting (including activities, cash flow and time management tools and techniques).

●      “Save-Safe Techniques” is understanding the investors' and buyers' mindset and applying relevant Real asset planning and wealth accumulation and retirement planning strategies to suit investors' and buyers’ risk appetite, search requirements and end goals they wish to achieve before recommending the right property to buyers, be it public housing, private resale or new launches, commercial and industrial properties.

The backbone of JLD's ethos consists of ten core values, carefully curated by Lau to drive activities and modules that are instilled within the team (Image: Jasmine Lau)

“You can attend one or all of my business modules and learn more about new launches, referral businesses, serving sellers and purchasers. Each of them will enable you to manoeuvre the ever-changing business climate as it equips you with the knowledge of key real estate products and markets that can help you to ride the real estate cycle successfully year after year,” says Lau.

On top of these helpful modules, Lau will conduct routine follow-up sessions with her agents and quarterly reviews to ensure they are on track towards their sales targets.

Collective advantage

A notable benefit of JLD membership is access to a cosy and private office space named JLD P.O.S.H (Property One Stop Hub) in the Kallang district for conducting business. JLD members also enjoy the advantage of utilising the Group's resources, including basic staging furniture, video filming, editing, and tech tools, enhancing the value-added services they can provide to clients and boosting their sales productivity.

Lau reassures that the life of a property agent, often solitary, does not have to be. The office-like environment, structured with systems and regular group activities, facilitates a sense of connectedness among agents, keeping them agile and consistently enhancing their productivity and sales conversion rates.

“Here at JLD, we know how crucial it is to have a dedicated workplace to your success. This two-storey office and studio space has since served as a second home where every member of JLD is free to work, brainstorm new ideas, conduct best practices, reviews, and smaller group rehearsals and roleplay training. It is also a safe environment filled with positive vibes for us to relax after a long day with a client,” says Lau.

“The power of one great person is awesome. The power of many great, passionate persons is phenomenal. Your net worth is your network. One needs to be like molecules, constantly “colliding” with one another to bring about strong kinetic energy. The more JLD agents network, especially with the highly productive members in the community, the higher their chance to do well and, in turn, contribute to the group's high vibrancy and positive energies."

Jasmine Lau (right) receives a well-deserved promotion on 1 November 2021 to Associate Group District Director from Ismail Gafoor (left), recognizing her exceptional dedication to team building ​(Image: Jasmine Lau)

She adds: “Every success story should be shared with the team so it becomes a rehearsal for the next person. Peer coaching sharpens your technique, and you will improve to another level.”

You will also have access to exclusive cross-divisional learning sessions and business tools offered by Bobby Sng Advisory and PropNex Realty. Additionally, benefit from fast access payout schemes for drawing your commissions earlier, utilise cutting-edge client planning software and engage in a highly effective internal co-broking system with on-the-job learning and learn-as-you-earn support systems led by senior colleagues.

She continues: “PropNex provides the tools that every agent needs, but because I'm so plugged into the leader community, you will always be the first to know how to apply the technology when you talk to your clients. With me, you get real-time data, real-time applications, demonstrations, rehearsals and role play.”

Powerful training sessions conducted in person, coupled with robust support, ensure a comprehensive learning experience

Driving sales and empowering vision

Above all, Lau sees herself as a sales leader who has navigated over 500 negotiations in the last five years at PropNex and successfully closed more than 2,000 deals in the past two decades. Beyond that, she is an inspirational coach, crediting her strong leadership qualities to past and present mentors. Bobby Sng, her current mentor, has been instrumental in guiding some of the industry's major players to breakthroughs in their real estate businesses.

An accomplished ACTA trainer and a key member of the PropNex Tech Team, Lau can dive deep into tech-connect applications with clients on the ground. With her deep knowledge of the ever-changing property landscape, she can teach you how to read the market, zoom in on the right product to sell, and master the art of objection handling.

“My vision for 2024 is to empower the next generation of top-performing negotiators to achieve their life goals through real estate, to trust and embrace our belief in support of the community, and to harness the power of technology as their secret weapon.”

As a key member of the PropNex Tech Team, Lau possesses the expertise to delve deeply into technological applications, forging meaningful connections with agents on the ground (Image: Jasmine Lau)

Lau embodies a hands-on leadership style, steering her team's journey with a profound sense of ownership over their growth and success. Her commitment goes beyond mere guidance; it is a personal investment in each individual's progress, crafting tailored plans and investing countless hours in mentorship.

She finds immense satisfaction in the flourishing achievements of her 'homegrown champions' — agents who, under her guidance, evolve from novices to proficient professionals. Her approach is about achieving goals and ensuring swift and efficient execution.

In 2024, Lau is resolute in her vision, aspiring to mentor a new wave of self-driven mid-career switchers and mold them into the next cohort of top-performing negotiators within the dynamic PropNex community. Backed by unwavering support from her managers and leaders and fueled by the collaborative strength of the group, Lau is committed to cultivating more success stories and laying robust foundations for future homegrown producers.

For more information:

Contact Jasmine Lau | 83880009

Associate District Director (R013868E)

PropNex Realty Pte Ltd

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